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Slaves in the colonies had different types of jobs, but most slaves were used on plantations. Slave labor was used to grow crops such as tobacco, cotton, and sugar.

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14y ago

slaves did a lot like collecting fruit, printer pressing, making cloths loading and un loading stuff. It sounds easy but it really is not!

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Q: What labor did enslaved Americans perform in the colonies?
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When the encomienda system ended in 1542, the colonies' need for labor still had to be met. To meet the colonies need for labor, Las Casas suggested Africans. "The labof of one [] more valuable than that of four Indians," he said.

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As a source of labor

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Colonists turned to enslaved Africans for labor on their plantations because they needed a cheap and abundant workforce to meet the high labor demands of their agricultural enterprises. Enslaved Africans were considered more resistant to diseases prevalent in the region and were seen as a more reliable source of labor compared to indentured servants or Native Americans. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade provided a ready supply of enslaved individuals to fulfill the labor needs of the colonies.

Why did the southern colonies become home to the largest population of enslaved Africans?

The need for enslaved Africans in the Southern colonies in America stemmed from the lack of local labor at cotton plantations. Because of this, slaves became a low cost way to make the fields produce the large amounts of cotton demanded by Europe.