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there are penitential cells in the liver, -narb

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11y ago

Cells that make up the liver are known as hepatocytes.

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Q: What are the cells that make up the liver?
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What does the liver consists of?

Ys, every organ in the body is composed of tissues - cells form tissues which form organs which form organisms. The liver is no different - various cells form different tissues that together make up the liver which in turn is part of the organism (the human or animal).

What type of epithelial tissue does the liver?

No. These are the cells that make up most of the liver's tissue and preform specialized liver functions. They contain organelles.

Is liver a protein?

No, the liver is an organ made up of cells.

Why does the detoxification of smooth ER cause cirrhosis?

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) are responsible for detoxification. If the cells of the liver are exposed to too much toxin then the cells swell up and die. As is the case with cirrhosis, the cells of the liver make to many smooth ER and the cells swell up and die. The overload of dangerous toxins destroy the liver.

What is the liver made up of?


Which cells might be used in laboratory to make heart cells?

Liver cells

What happens if your liver does not make blood?

Bone marrow makes blood cells, not the liver.

Which cells might be used in a laboratory to make a heart cell?

Liver cells

The cells that make up the skin of an individual have some functions different from the cells that make up the liver because?

different parts of genetic instructions are used in different types of cellsDifferent parts of genetic instructions are used in different types of cells.

What cells do you have in the liver?

hepatic cells.

Is liver cancer cirrhosis?

Liver cancer is not the same as liver cirrhosis. Cancer is a replication of malignant (or, "damaged") cells, which gradually take over an organ, reducing the function, and may spread to other parts of the body. (i.e, cancer cells growing and taking over the liver, reducing function). Whereas cirrhosis is vast amounts of scarring to the hepatocytes (liver cells), which make up the liver. (i.e liver cells, which are already in existence, being damaged). Cirrhosis does not spread to other parts of the body.

Are heart and liver cells the same?

No, they are very different. The cells that make up the liver need to perform a different job from the heart.