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One major chemical used in pest control is DDT. DDT can be especially harmful, because it kills organisms, which harms the food chain. DDT can also harm our crops, and cause unwanted side effects in consumers.

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Q: What types of chemicals are used in pest control?
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What types of chemical are used?

Pest control chemicals are going to be different depending on the pest and the severity. It may turn out that you and your dog will have to be out of the house for a day or two. Call your local pest control and explain the issue to them. As I said, it is totally going to depend on the severity of the issue.

Can pest control cause burning lungs?

Chemicals used in pest control such as dangerous insecticides can burn your lungs if inhaled, yes.

Negative impacts as a result of chemical and biological pest control techniques?

The chemicals used for pest control has their advantages as well as disadvantages too. Good pest control companies usually use the chemicals that are less dangerous to human health. Poisonous chemicals can even kill non-pest organisms and influence the help of your family and pets too. they can cause bioaccumulation and biological magnification.

What chemicals are typically used for pest control?

Pyrethrins are often used to control fleas. Permethrin can be used to control bedbugs, and Tetramethrin is good for mosquito control.

Why are chemicals used to control pest?

Most of us used chemicals to treat and get rid of pests because it is cheaper and easy to use. Thus,they ane indeed easy to prepare and you can purchase it over the counter. chemicals are also effective and inexpensive.

What is the term used for pest control by natural predators?

I think biological Pest control.

How could knowledge of a pest organism's tolerance limits be used in pest control?

the scientists and or agriculturists can add all of the chemicals that they need to get rid of the organism so that it won't build up a tolerance and come back

Is pest control product a pesticide?

Yes and no. A pest control can be a pesticide, but there are also "home remedy" methods that can be used.

Difrentiate between chemical cultural and biological pest control?

In biological pest control the pests are killed with a living organism whilst in chemical cultural pest control a chemical is used.

What are the methods used to control the pest?

The cleaning is the best way to control the pest. When your house is clean then it is also safe from different germs and pests. You can also use effective pest control sprays for this purpose.

What is integrated pest control?

Integrated pest control is an approach to careful usage of pest control chemicals and techniques to discourage the development of pest populations. It also forces us to implement these techniques in such a way that there will be negligible health risks. Many reputed pest control companies following this approach.

Which isotope is used Pest Control?
