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there is a little energy used, the point is you simply convert a wind energy into a sound energy. remember you cant create any kind of energy.

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6d ago

When blowing a whistle, the energy used comes from the air pressure created by your lungs. This pressure forces the air through the whistle's small hole, creating vibrations that produce sound energy. The sound energy is then transmitted as a series of waves that we perceive as the sound of the whistle.

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11y ago

Potential energy is when something isn't moving. Wind is considered kinetic energy. When you are blowing, you are using kinetic energy to blow the whistle. To sum it up, yes blowing a whistle would be kinetic energy. I hope this helps! :)

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Shirlette Maison

Lvl 2
2y ago

mechanical to sound

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Q: What types of energy are used when blowing a whistle?
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What sound is apito?

"Apito" is the Portuguese word for whistle. It represents the high-pitched sound created by blowing air through a small device, typically used to get someone's attention or signal an event.

What are the different types of energy and what are their uses?

Some types of energy include: Kinetic energy - energy of motion, used in transportation. Potential energy - stored energy, often used in gravitational potential energy. Thermal energy - energy associated with heat, used for cooking and heating. Chemical energy - stored in chemical bonds, used in batteries and food digestion. Electrical energy - flow of electrons, used to power devices and appliances.

What are the two types of energy most frecuently used or considered in this industry?

The two types of energy most frequently used or considered in the industry are electrical energy, which powers machines and equipment, and thermal energy, which is used for heating or cooling processes. These energy sources are essential for the operation of industrial processes and are key components of overall energy management strategies.

What are the two types of energy you use as you climb a rope?

The two types of energy used as you climb a rope are potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy that comes from being above the ground, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion as you climb up the rope.

Do windmills store energy?

Windmills themselves do not store energy. However, some wind energy systems incorporate energy storage technologies such as batteries or flywheels to store excess energy generated by the windmills for use when the wind isn't blowing.

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The two types of energy most frequently used or considered in the industry are electrical energy, which powers machines and equipment, and thermal energy, which is used for heating or cooling processes. These energy sources are essential for the operation of industrial processes and are key components of overall energy management strategies.

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there are alot of types of energy in a car. you have mechanical, chemical, electrical.

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In that case, mechanical energy has been converted into other types of energy.

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