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Factors used in young driver insurance include inexperience, carelessness, and the lack of fear for well being. Young drivers cost more to insure because of these factors, it is more likely for them to have an accident.

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Q: What types of factors are included in young driver insurance?
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Car insurance policies are offered by insurance companies and not by the state. Different insurance companies have different policies and may offer different types of discounts. Many insurance companies offer good driver discounts as well as multiple policy discounts.

If a driver hits a pedestrian and does not have adequate car insurance but does have adequate homeowner's insurance will it cover the accident?

No. They are two totally different types of insurance.

If your parents purchased a car for your 16-year-old daughter and registered it in their names how should the vehicle be insured in Virginia?

If they do not claim the teen driver on their insurance, then she gets into a wreck or otherwise gets gets the attention of the insurance company, the insurance company will terminate coverage and the parents will be required to get high risk insurance. They may also refuse to cover certain types of loss if the teen driver is not included in the policy. There is coverage for the kid that they pay and is discounted because the parents also have a policy with them. Liability is separated from the parents.

What are some of the types of insurance available from Barclays Insurance?

A number of insurance are available from Barclays Insurance. This includes: 5 types of home insurance, 3 types of travel insurance, car insurance, student possessions insurance, 3 types of student travel insurance, 3 types of life insurance and 2 types of health insurance.

How can one apply for a casualty insurance?

One of the most common types of casualty insurance is automobile insurance. In the event that a driver was at fault in an automobile accident, the insurance will cover the medical expenses, repairs. One can apply for casualty insurance by shopping around for an insurance agent and registering with them.

How much is car insurance in GA for new drivers?

The Office of Insurance and Safety for Georgia ( a great tool to assist drivers who are seeking detailed information about various coverage types, and the costs associated with each option. The rates for new drivers will vary significantly based on many factors. The age of the driver, type of car, and type of coverage desired will all be factors that influence the total cost of a new insurance policy.

What is included in comprehensive auto insurance coverage?

Comprehensive auto insurance coverage covers the different types of events or accidents cause by falling objects, animals, extreme weather, theft, vandalism or riots. But it does not apply to any types of accidents with other cars.

If a speeding citaton is given with company insurance info instead of personal whose insurance and record is affected?

When a speeding citation is given, it is given to the driver... not the owner of the vehicle nor the person (or company) who is insuring the vehicle. Therefore, the driver's insurance and driving record will reflect the charge. If this person was driving a company vehicle (and therefore insurance paid by the company) then the companies insurance policy COULD be affected but not always. The cost of corporate insurance policies that cover multiple vehicle and/or drivers are determined by many factors such as # of vehicles, types of vehicles, company claim history, # of drivers and ages there of. Most companies must report their drivers information to the insurance company which will then check the drivers records which will then allow the insurance company to 'rate that driver' and asses a cost for insuring that driver. Some companies will refuse employ drivers with too many moving violations... or not let them drive company vehicles. I hope the answered your question.

What types of identification and information do I need when looking for bank insurance?

You will need an ID card (ie. driver's license) and social security number. In additon, you should have statements from the bank that you are applying insurance for.

What are the various types of insurance offered by North Auto Insurance?

There are many different types of insurances that are offered by North Auto Insurance. These types of insurance include auto insurance, renters insurance, and home insurance.

Where can one find a car insurance guide?

One can find a detailed car insurance guide on the 'MoneySupermarket' website. This includes legal information, risk factors, and the types of policy available.