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Q: What types of food did early explorers have on their ships?
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What did the explorers take on their ships?

Food and enough supplys to start a small colony.

What kind of food did early explorers have?

nothing they were hobos

Where did explorers store their supplies in their ships?

food , water , wine , beer , sails and more

Why did the early explorers need support of a rich benefactor?

They needed medicine, food, protein, and water to drink, and also a good boat to go to sea.

What did early explorers take with them on the hot air balloons?

they look lunch and water and food

How did early settlers get food in Australia?

they had to have it sent over on ships until they became self sufficient enough to produce there own food

What types of food did Columbus have on his ships?

Dried beef, dried peas, and hard tack. That's it.

What kind of difficulties do you think the early explorers experienced on their journey?

Lack of food lack of water scurvy and the fear of sea mosters

What supplies did early explorers need?

Obviously anything they would need for the long time they would be gone such as food, water, clothing, extra sail and wood to repair the ship, medicine, weapons for defense, tools, valuables for trade with whatever locals they run into.

What dangers did American ships and sailors face at sea during the early 1800s?

During the early 1800s, American ships and sailors faced being thrown overboard, having to walk the plank, and suffering lack of food or fresh water.

Did Columbus get paid for his journey?

Most explorers had sponsors to finance their journeys, since ships, crews and the food needed cost alot of money. The church and kings usually demanded percentages of the goods that explorers would bring back from the conquests in exchange for financing the journeys.

What supplies did Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac take with him on his air balloon and what would other early explorers take with them on voyages to the sky?

water and food