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Some foods that will kill mice are caramel, peanut butter, and foods very high in sugar content.

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Q: What types of food do mice eat other than cheese?
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Do mice eat brie?

All cheeses and dairy products offer no nutritional value to mice. Mice should not be fed brie or any other types of cheese, it is not healthy for them.

What kind of cheese do mice eat?

No, not unless it is on a mousetrap that kills the mouse.Most mice are attracted to it as food, but not to the point that folklore suggests.Too much cheese of some types could cause digestive problems, but that would require a steady diet of mostly cheese and nothing else. Most mice would not consume that much cheese.

What smell attracts mice?

peanut butter is especially good for attracting mice

What is Roman feast?

They used to eat mice and other types of food that now humans would not want!

What types of cheese do mice like to eat?

Mice don't have to eat cheese. But if you really really want to give it one, choose something where isn't much salt. Pepper is totally taboo! ;( I have a rat and sometimes I give him cottage cheese, it's the best choice! :)

What smells repel mice?

Other rodents or food can repel mice!

What are some stereotypes of mice?

One stereotype is that mice eat cheese all the time. Cheese can give mice diarhea.

Why do mice have a craving for cheese?

Mice do not crave cheese. This is a common myth. In fact, feeding mice cheese can result in issues, seeing as they cannot digest it very well.

What do you feed your 2 wild pet mice?

they eat any house food.... but you can give them cheese! --melissa

How do mice help men?

mice is a part of food serve as food to some other animals which can be consumed by humans.scientists can use mice for their experiments.

What food are mice attracted to?

CHEESE or mostly the leftover food like FRUITS AND VEGETABLES(eg. rats love Potatoes!!)

What eats cheese?

Me and mice