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Its conduction I dont know more sorry but conductions one of them.

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Q: What types of heat transfer take place in only matter?
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Wich types of heat transfer take place only in matter?


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Conduction is heat transfer WITHOUT matter transfer Convection is heat transfer WITH matter transfer

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Evaporation, heat transfer, matter transfer, and a lowering of condensation are the types of interactions between Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere.

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Heat transfer by radiation is the only method of heat transfer that can travel through a vacuum. What is a vacuum?

A vacuum is a space where there is no, or very little matter (ex. air molecules). One example of a vacuum is outer space. Because there is no matter for heat to travel through via convection or conduction, radiation is the only heat transfer that can take place in a vacuum.

What is the difference between heat transfer and mass transfer?

Heat transfer deals with the movement of heat and temperature gradients. The three types of heat transfer are conduction, convection, and radiation. Mass transfer deals with concentrations of a particular substance. Types of mass transfer include diffusion and convection.

Why does transfer of heat not place by conduction in fluids?

Wrong, transfer of heat by conduction does take place in fluids.

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What are three types of heat tranfers in a building

What sates of matter transfer heat?

All of them.

How does the kinetic theory of the matter relate to heat transfer?

Kinetic theory and Heat transfer are both in motion, in Kinetic theory all states of matter are in vigorous motion and Heat transfer is associated with the motion of atoms or molecules.

Which is quicker in transfer of heat - convection or conduction?

Convection is one of the major modes of Heat_transferand Mass_transfer. Convective heat and mass transfer take place through both Diffusionand by Advection, in which matter or heat is transported by the larger-scale motion of currents in the fluid.Convection is faster than conduction. In conduction, transfer of heat occurs by vibration of molecules in a fixed place. Convection, however, occurs by actual movement of molecules facilitating transfer of heat.