

What types of light cannot be seen?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What types of light cannot be seen?
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it is a light that cannot be seen.

What is seen but cannot be seen?

It depend on what you think. I think emotions and light can be seen and not be seen.

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NO, to see something you have to be able to intercept light reflected from that thing's surface. Black holes have an escape velocity greater than the sped of light so there is no reflected light and they cannot be seen. If they cannot be seen they cannot be pretty ... or ugly.

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Overt: Can be outwardly seen/ sensed by an observer.Covert: Cannot be outwardly seen/ sensed by an observer.

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A colloid.

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It cannot be seen with visible light. but it is believed to be spherical.

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That is when the DNA is condensed, at which time it is called chromosome.

How are telescopes limited?

telescopes cannot see beyond are so called light sphere, and that is that anything more than 13.7 Billion Light years cannot be seen as the light from it has not reached us yet, but everyday new light is reaching us, but very slowly and its usually just galaxies seen as dots.

What solid cannot be seen?

There are types of aluminum and carbon crystals that can be seen through. Then there is meta-materials, like invisibility cloaks, but they are beyond our current technology.