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Q: What types of minerals make up the continuous reaction series?
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What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous in Bowen's reaction series?

There are three types of phase in Bowen reaction series. 1.continuous 2.Discontiuous 3.Residual phase Discontinuous series depends upon one mineral plagioclase feldspar while exchange of sodium to calcium to sodium takes place with respect to temperature while continuous series depends upon different minerals changes with temperature.

Compare the ways in which ironmagnesium minerals and feldspars crystallize from magma?

In Bowen's reaction series, feldspar minerals go through a continuous change of composition, while iron-magnesium groups have an abrupt change of mineral types. When magma cools, the feldspars that form are calcium-rich. As cooling continues, the feldspars react with magma and the feldspar composition changes. The result is a zoned crystal with sodium-rich outer layers and calcium-rich core. For iron-magnesium minerals, when magma starts cooling, a mineral begins to crystallize. However, when the magma temperature drops, a whole new mineral begins to form. The previously formed minerals reacts with the magma and is converted into the new mineral.

How many different types of minerals are there in the world?

there are 4000 types of minerals in the world

What minerals are in Oregon?

There are a variety of types of minerals found in Oregon. This types of minerals include clinoptilolite, chabazite, and laumontite.

What types of minerals in miracle grow?


What are the properties used to identify minerals?

luster streak shape density color (not always reliable tho mulltiple types of minerals can have the same color) odor tenacity reaction to acid cleavage magnetism electrical properties

What type of minerals have cleavage?

all different types of minerals

What are two types of minerals?

silicate and non silicate minerals

Are there different typed of minerals?

There are many different types of minerals.

Which types of computers depends on continuous variation in certain physical qualities?

which types of computers depend on physical continuous variation in certain physiclqualities

What are types of minerals?


Do minerals contain two or more types of rocks?

No. it is flipped a rock contains two or more types of minerals