

What types of organisms have a backbone?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What types of organisms have a backbone?
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Which backbone types is the most fault-tolerant?

Parallel Backbone

What completely describes invertebrates?

Organisms that have no backbone, or vertebrate.

Which element is the backbone of all living organisms?


How do scientists classify living things without a backbone?

Invertebrates is the term for multicellular organisms that lack a backbone.

What is another name for an animal with a backbone?

A living organism with a segmented backbone is a vertebrate.

Is backbones considered by scientists when classifying organisms?

Yes. The first classification under animal describes if an animal has a backbone or not. Animals with a backbone are Vertebrates, and animals without a backbone are Invertebrates.

Of what group are animals that have no backbone?


Do protists have backbones?

Single celled organisms (unicellular organisms) include all archaebacteria and bacteria and some fungi (like yeasts) and some protists (like single-celled algae and protozoa). None of these organisms have a backbone, where 'backbone' is synonymous with 'spine' or 'vertebral column'. The concept of a backbone or spine or vertebral column is delimited to the realm of vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish). No unicellular organism can possibly have a backbone.

Which phylum of the animal kingdom include all organisms that posses a backbone?


What two types of animals do not have a backbone?

octupus and squid