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Q: What types of planes did the kamikaze use in World War 2?
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When was the kamikaze planes invented?

Kamikaze were Japanese suicide pilots who attacked Allied warships during World War 2. The kamikaze plane's first flight took place in April 9, 1937.

What planes were in World War I?

There were 70 types of planes in ww1

How many kamikaze pilots did japan have during World War 2?

A lot, aat least 5,000. But all pilots were potential kamikaze pilots.

Was Kamikaze the leader of the coalition of communists and nationalists known as Vietminh?

Kamikaze are the Japanese that gave their life's by crashing their planes into the Navy War Vessels.

Was KamiKaze pilots in World War 1?

No the Japanese Kamikaze pilots were a phenomenon of late World War II.

What was the kamikaze known for?

Kamikaze pilots in World War 2 were Japanese fighter pilots who took drugs (usually) then flew suicide missions. They would load their planes with explosives and deliberately crash their planes into American battle ships and whatnot, viewing it as a personal sacrifice for the emperor.

Kamikaze attacks Japan lost 4000 fighter planes?

NovaNET answer: japan did not use kamikaze attacks until late in the war when it was loosing badly

What is a cozy?

I believe the word you're thinking of is actually 'kamikaze'. What is a 'kamikaze'? During World War 2, the Japanese formed a group of men that were to crash their planes into ships carrying supplies for other countries. It was a suicide attack mission. They are remembered as 'kamikazes'.

What were kamikzae pilots?

Kamikaze pilots were Japanese fighter pilots in World War II who flew their planes (usually Mitsubishi Zero fighters) laden with explosives into enemy ships.

Were the Kamikaze planes of World War 2 a success?

It very much depends on how you define success. The kamikaze planes certainly would have struck fear into the hearts of the US soldiers, and would probably cause a great deal of damage. however, the cost of damage was less than that of the plane itself. so: psychologically: yes financially: no

What is a coma cozy?

I believe the word you're thinking of is actually 'kamikaze'. What is a 'kamikaze'? During World War 2, the Japanese formed a group of men that were to crash their planes into ships carrying supplies for other countries. It was a suicide attack mission. They are remembered as 'kamikazes'.

What types of transport were used during world war 2?

planes boats tanks