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They have incisors at the front then canines, premolars and molars at the back. Its the same structure as a domestic cat.

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Q: What types of teeth are in a bobcat skull have?
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Related questions

Where is a bobcat's back bone?

Along its back form its skull to and including its tail.

How does a bobcat kill prey?

they jump on it and sink their teeth into it.

What does the bobcat do to survive?

they have sharp teeth and claws to kill and eat their pray

What bone is stronger than your teeth?

The skull

How is bones are there in skull?

Their is 8 (not including teeth)

What is the cavity on Skullduggery Island?

its the teeth on the skull

How many types of Bobcat are there?

there are 12 types of subspecies of bobcats that are common

For what does a bobcat use its sharp claws and teeth?

Yes bobcats have sharp teeth and claws. The canine teeth are sharp, long and used to catch prey. The back teeth act like sharp scissor cutting through meat. The bobcat's claws are sharp and allow them to climb and catch their prey.

What are the types of cats that start with the letter b?

· Bobcat

Do Bobcat have teeth?

Yes bobcats have sharp teeth. The canine teeth are sharp, long and used to catch prey. The back teeth act like sharp scissor cutting through meat.

What has huge teeth and only one facial expression?

A skull.

What is a mouth bone called?

The bones of the mouth are, for the upper teeth, the skull, and for the lower teeth, the mandible. Teeth are also a type of bone.