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Q: What types of victims are more likely to be killed by male serial killers?
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How do serial killers dispose of their victims?

In any way they can think of.

Other serial killers that were victims of abuse as a juvenile?

Serial Killer Michael Ross.

How many serial killers are from Las Vegas Nevada?

Although Nathan Burkett has killed only two people, police think that there are more victims.

How many active serial killers in Florida?

There is a possible serial killer that has killed one young woman in Florida and one in Georgia. The police were still in the stage of linking the two deaths with criminal MO and signature. Unfortunately, with serial killers, they are caught through repetition and creation of criminal patterns. This means more victims.------ From my knowledge Florida is the state with the most serial killers.

How can Ed Gein be a serial killer if he only killed two?

When a person decides to become a serial killer, there is a chance he could be aprehended after his second kill. Most researchers define serial killers as having three to four victims, but also includes in his database of serial killers some individuals who "killed only two victims but were suspect in other slayings or in which evidence indicated their intent to kill others". The problem with using a definition based strictly on three victims omits the two-time signature killer who has obsessive qualities and would be expected to continue to kill.

How many serial killers have been arrested?

Not enough as the authorities want to. One of the primary reasons that active serial killers go uncaught is because a great many of them have learned to pick victims that are not easily identified. In some cases, nobody even notices that they are gone. Transients, homeless, and prostitutes often lead the type of lives that can leave them at risk with serial killers. In 1978, the FBI set up a Behavioural Science Service Unit in Quantico, Virginia. At this centre, serial killers are studied, and profiles are compiled on suspects. The FBI estimates that there are currently 1000 serial killers at large. Other estimates are much lower, around 35 - 100 serial killers currently committing crimes. In 1983, they estimated that 5000 Americans, or 15 people a day were killed by strangers. Every year, between 3500 - 5000 people in America are the victims of serial killers. In the past 20 years, 160 serial killers have been identified or captured, and 120 of them were in the United States.

What is the percentage of female killers in America?

We only have 86 female killers from the US. Is a rare thing when a female serial killer comes up. Female serial killers tend to murder men for material gain. The an analysis of the 86 female serial killers from the U.S., tells us that the victims tended to be spouses, children or the elderly. The prefered method for killing is poison but this is not the only method. Shootings (used by 20%), suffocation (16%), stabbing (11%), and drowning (5%) were used by female serial killers. Aileen Wuornos is a totally different female serial killer. She killed strangers instead of friends or family away from home.

Do you believe there are more black or white serial killers?

As a general rule serial killers are white males between the ages of 25-35. (usually the first murder will occur in this age range) Of course there are black serial killers, Wayne Williams, the 'Atlanta Child Killer', is an example. Serial killers tend to hunt in their own ethnic group (race) but of course there are some that mix it up and then there is Jeffrey Dahmer who was white but his victims were black or asian. The Green River Killer, Gary Leon Ridgeway (white), killed mostly white female prostitutes but there were a couple of black victims. So there are no absolutes, just guidelines that help police narrow down the suspect list.

Who was the serial killer that killed couples?

There have been several serial killers that have targeted couples. The Zodiac from northern California killed couples, although not exclusively. Paul Stine, a San Francisco cab driver was shot in the head by Zodiac. It is also likely that Zodiac killed in southern California also. Several couples and lone women were the killer's choice. New York City was the hunting grounds of Son of Sam killer David Berkowitz. From the summer of 1976 to summer 1977 Son of Sam killed six victims, wounded seven. The victims, mostly male/female couples parked in cars.

Why are there more than females in a serial killer?

I'm not sure if I understand the question but most serial killers are men. More females are victims of serial killers because they are weaker than most men and prostitutes are easier to get as they climb in strangers cars.

How many Japan serial killers are there?

Japan gave the serial killers hitory with 12 serial killers to date.

Why are we not allowed to torture terrorists, sex offenders, gangsters, and even serial killers?

Because we be killed by policemen