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Mine eat dandelions, clover, soft grasses, sour grass, nasturtiums, and lucerne

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Q: What types of wild plants do iguanas eat?
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Is an iguana a herbivore?

Iguanas are herbivores. They eat plants.

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Hippos eat grass and water plants.

Are iguanas predators?

No. They naturally eat plants and do not eat very often.

Do iguanas eat only plants?

yes; they are herbivores

What do wild Iguanas eat?

vegitibles/mostly green foods

What do iguanas eat?

Iguanas are omnivores, they eat plants, insects, and small vertibrates.Iguanas enjoy a diet of greens, vegetables and fruits. They can, however, be given various types of worms and other reptile meals. It is not recommended because these are high in fat, and animal protein is less beneficial than that from plants.

Are iguanas herbivores?

Rhinoceros iguanas are omnivores. They eat primarily parts of plants, but also eat insects, small lizards and snakes.

What do green iguanas in the tropical rainforest eat?

plants and tree leaves

Do alligators eat a Iguanas?

Yes. Iguanas are prey to all different types of animals including alligators (caimans).

Why are Iguanas vegetarian?

Iguanas are strictly vegetarian only eating fruits and vegetables. Information that they eat any type of bugs or crickets is outdated and they should not be consuming bugs. However, most Iguanas will eat anything. Some have even eaten light bulbs and trash off the floor. It's best if keeping a Iguana in your home to keep the floors very clean, preventing any Iguana stomach problems.

What do iguanas eat and what eats iguanas?

Iguanas eat dark, leafy, green veggies. Mostly animals bigger than iguanas will eat them.

What types of plants do fish eat?

all plants available in the pet store. Stupid depends on their environment, in a tank then whatever plants you put in, but in the wild, what ever plants grow, they also eat plankton in the water