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You might think that William Shakespeare mainly wrote tragedies because he is most famous for his tragedies, but actually he wrote almost twice as many comedies (18) as tragedies (10) and histories (10).

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Comedy, tragedy, and history

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Q: What types of plays did William Shakespeare mainly write?
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Apart from plays what other types of pieces did William Shakespeare write?

Shakespeare was also an accomplished poet, with his works including sonnets and narrative poems.

Which of types of literature did William Shakespeare did not write?

He did not write any haiku, limericks or how-to instruction books. For A+ the answer is Melodramas TAO

What four types of plays did william shakespeare write and how many in total?

You are asking two questions. See the appropriate related questions for the answers.

What were the two main types of literature Shakespeare published?

Plays and Sonnets.

The talented Shakespeare wrote many types of plays. Where is the adjective?

Talented is the adjective.

What were the 3 types of play that Shakespeare wrote?

In the First Folio, all of Shakespeare's plays were divided into Comedies, Tragedies and Histories. Although it is not always easy to place some of the plays in these three categories (and Shakespeare was well aware that they could mix and overlap and be involved with the category of the Pastoral), the division seems to have stuck.

Which terms are used for the types of comedies shakespeare wrote?

happy comedies, problem plays, romantic comedies.

What other types of writing did shakespeare write?

Shakespeare wrote mostly plays but he is also famous for his poetry. His plays cover a remarkable breadth of human experience. He even wrote about dogs. (In The Two Gentlemen of Verona)

Three possibilities for the enduring popularity of Shakespeare's work?

•Shakespeare's plays were written for the widest possible audience. •It seems all his playgoers appreciated racy double entredres and coarse jokes. But mainly they were often wowed by Shakespeare's skill to be both direct and sensitive (concerning issues such as the way women were portrayed) Lewd and eloquent, humorous but tragic or serious, spontaneous and detailed and many more contrasts. •Shakespeare included characters of all detailed types with profound depth.

What are the types of stories that William shakespeare wrote?

He actually wrote very few stories. Mostly he made plays out of stories someone else wrote. The stories he is thought to have written himself (A Midsummer Night's Dream and the Tempest particularly) have more than the usual amount of magic.

Shakespeare's plays were often written in what types of metrics scheme?

Much of Shakespeare is written in Blank Verse: five feet of iambic pentameter (da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum).

Which of these types of poetry did Shakespeare often use in his plays?

The most famous type of poetry found in Romeo and Juliet is a sonnet. ( a love poem)