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happy comedies, problem plays, romantic comedies.

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Q: Which terms are used for the types of comedies shakespeare wrote?
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What are the genres that William Shakespeare wrote?

Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies, histories, and tragicomedies.

What are the different types of dramas written by Shakespeare?

Shakespeare wrote histories, tragedies, comedies, dramas, and romances. The dramas include Macbeth, Hamlet, and King Lear.

What are 2 examples of comedies Shakespeare write?

Shakespeare wrote As You Like It and Merchant of Venice.

What was the most genre's that Shakespeare wrote for his play?

Eighteen of Shakespeare's thirty-eight plays are comedies.

Are all Shakespeare's plays tragic?

No, he wrote comedies and histories as well.

What was Shakespeare 3 comedies?

Shakespeare wrote 18 comedies. The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Measure for Measure and Cymbeline are three of them.

What kinds of stories did William Shakespeare write?

Mainly he wrote tragedies, but he also wrote comedies.

What genres did Shakespeare use most?

Shakespeare wrote almost twice as many comedies as he did tragedies or histories.

Who was a great writer of comedies plays and wrote romeo and Juliet?

William Shakespeare

What were the 3 types of play that Shakespeare wrote?

In the First Folio, all of Shakespeare's plays were divided into Comedies, Tragedies and Histories. Although it is not always easy to place some of the plays in these three categories (and Shakespeare was well aware that they could mix and overlap and be involved with the category of the Pastoral), the division seems to have stuck.

What can you learn from Much Ado about Nothing?

You can learn that Shakespeare wrote romantic comedies long before anyone else was writing romantic comedies.

What genre did Shakespeare write?

For the theatre, Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies, and histories. He also wrote poetry, including a famous series OS sonnets.