

What unexpected advantage did the outfit ham supply?

Updated: 7/24/2022
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9y ago

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When Bob Ewell tried to knife Scout, the knife only went deep enough to cut the chicken wire in the outfit, saving Scouts life

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Candido Kohler

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Big ol' dicks.

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Q: What unexpected advantage did the outfit ham supply?
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What unexpected advantage did the ham supply?

When Bob Ewell tried to knife Scout, the knife only went deep enough to cut the chicken wire in the outfit, saving Scouts life

What unexpected advantage did the ham outfit supply in how to kill a Mockingbird?

The unexpected advantage of the ham costume in "To Kill a Mockingbird" was that it allowed Scout to view the events of the lynch mob from an outsider's perspective. Disguised in the costume, she was able to listen in on conversations without being recognized, providing her with valuable insights into the dangers and prejudices present in her community.

What Is funny or ironic about scout wearing a ham?

Scout wearing a ham is funny because it is a bizarre and unexpected choice of costume. The irony lies in the fact that a ham is typically something you eat, not wear as clothing. This quirky and unconventional choice adds humor and absurdity to the situation.

How much ham would a ham chuck chuck if a ham chuck could chuck ham?

he can chuck all the ham that a ham chuck could if a ham chuck could chuck ham

What are all the types of ham?

There is honey-glazed ham, boneless ham , Easter ham, thanksgiving ham, Christmas ham and many more.

What is ham from Denmark called?

ham... :]

What is a ham...?

A cured ham is a ham that is ready to eat.

What is a cured ham?

A cured ham is a ham that is ready to eat.

How do you say ham?


What was scouts part in the pageant?

She dressed as a ham

What is a compound word starting with ham?

hamburger, hamstring

What is the plural of ham?

The plural of ham is ham or hams, e.g. "lots of ham" or "lots of different flavoured hams".