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Q: What uniform did women in factories wear in World War 2?
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How did women wear their hair in World War 2?

Women wore their hair short because they worked in the factories and it was more practical, less dangerous and it was out of their way.

Pictures of women working in factories in World War 2 and type clothing did they wear at work?

They wore thick aprons and bandannas.

Can girls wear a necktie?

They can. Many schools around the world have a necktie as part of their girls uniform. Many stylish women in wear neckties. Some women wear a long, colorful scarf tied as a necktie. Fashion can be fun.

Can girls wear neckties?

They can. Many schools around the world have a necktie as part of their girls uniform. Many stylish women in wear neckties. Some women wear a long, colorful scarf tied as a necktie. Fashion can be fun.

What do German women wear?

It was decided by the government in 1997 that German students shouldn't wear uniform due to the fact that lots of Nazis wore uniform during WWII. They don't wear uniform because the Germans looked at it like this: "the country has already worn uniform once, why do it again?"

What uniform did they wear in World War 1?


Could Women officers wear makeup?

You mean women military officers? Makeup that is "conservative and compliments the uniform" is allowed by all four services' uniform regulations.

What uniform rules in sports have changed to acknowledge religious and cultural differences throughout the world?

the olympics have allowed women to wear religious head gear while competing

Was it ever illegal for women to wear pants?

Yes, historically in certain cultures and times, there were laws or social norms that discouraged or prohibited women from wearing pants. However, these restrictions have largely been lifted in modern society, and women now have the freedom to wear pants in most places around the world.

Do pupils wear uniform in Belgium?

Yes, pupils typically wear a uniform in Belgium, especially in public schools. The uniform usually consists of a white shirt or blouse, dark pants or skirt, and a specific tie or scarf that represents the school they attend.

Should you wear a uniform to school?

Whether you should wear a uniform to school is decided by the school's dress code policy. Uniforms can help promote a sense of equality and focus on academics rather than fashion. However, some argue that uniforms restrict personal expression. Ultimately, it depends on the school's values and goals.

Why should students wear school uniforms evidence?

Students should wear school uniforms because it promotes a sense of equality among students by removing visible markers of social class. Uniforms also help to create a sense of belonging and school pride, as well as reducing distractions related to fashion or attire choices. Additionally, uniforms can improve safety and security by easily identifying students on campus.