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Q: What units are used for gravitational potential energy?
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What equation is used to calculate the gravitational potential energy?

PE = mgh gravitational potential energy = mass x gravity x height The corresponding SI units are: joules = kg x 9.8 N/m x meters (Gravity is 9.8 N/m, equivalent to 9.8 m/s2.)

What type of energy is used before and after a ball is bounced?

Gravitational potential energy before the ball is bounced which changes to kinetic energy and then to elastic potential energy.

How does thermal energy converted into gravitational potential energy?

One example would be in a hot air balloon. Heat is used to raise the balloon and the higher the balloon gets, the more gravitational potential energy it gets.

What is energy called when it is used with height?

Energy related to height sounds like the description of gravitational potential energy.

What kind of energy is used to make a car go down the street?

The car's gravitational potential energy.

The formula Weight x Height is used to calculate what kind of energy?

Relative gravitational potential energy.

A 60.0 kg person walks from the ground floor to the roof of a 74.8 m tall building. How much gravitational potential energy does this person have at the top of the building?

Just use the formula for gravitational potential energy:GPE = mgh In the units used, gravity is approximately 9.8 newton/kilogram.

Potential energy is measured in units of?

The same units can be used for any type of energy - and in modern science, the same units ARE used. For example, the SI unit for energy is the joule.

How is gravitational potential energy useful?

it is the energy of position and most objects have gravitational potential energy, all they need is a height, and to NOT have a spring/elastic

What SI unit is used to express gravitational potential energy?

The same as for any other type of energy - the joule.

What formula is used to calculate gravitational potential energy?

U = m g h Where U is Gravitational Potential Energy (measured in Joules) m is Mass (measured in kilograms) g is Gravitational Acceleration (~9.8 meters/second2) h is height (measured in meters)