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Q: What units are used when a graph is calculated?
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A line graph is a graph that uses?

A graph is used for graphing lines and points. A graph consist of rows columns and units.

What is the scale on a graph?

The scale is the numerical system that is used to define the axis of a graph.

Is the scale on the graph?

The scale on a graph is the relation between the units of measurement that are being used. This is where you mark different positions on the axis.

What is the area of a position time graph?

The area under a position-time graph represents the displacement of an object. It is calculated by finding the area between the curve of the graph and the time axis. The units of the area will be in distance units (e.g., meters, kilometers).

What does the conversion graph on a map indicating?

The conversion of different units of measures used on a map

What are the five things that a perfect graph has?

Title & Date, Axis's Labeled, All space used up that is given to draw the graph, units (lablel the axis) and always to the best graph for your subject ;)

Is f(x) shifted downward a units?

To shift a funcion (or its graph) down "a" units, you subtract "a" from the function. For example, x squared gives you a certain graph; "x squared minus a" will give you the same graph, but shifted down "a" units. Similarly, you can shift a graph upwards "a" units, by adding "a" to the function.

What are the units on a graph?

Unless otherwise specified, they are simply called 'units'.

What are units on a graph?

Unless otherwise specified, they are simply called 'units'.

What are the metric units a speed graph?


What are the numbers that show the units on a graph?


Which units could you use for the y-axis of a graph of speed time to display the motion of an automobile?

A time graphs units is what is used for the y-axis. This is what show the speed in time.