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Q: What uses facts definitions properties and logic to form an argument?
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The process of using logic along with known facts definitions and properties to reach a conclusion?

truth value

When Socrates asks an audience to believe an obvious argument that can be supported by facts he is?

relying on logic.

What is a logic argument?

A logic argument is a statement of logic. The term "argument" means a statement that could be true or false. A Statement that has not been tested as true or false is known as a theory. Logic is the term meaning the structure of an argument or statement and how it applies in its use.

What are the 4 fundamentals of logic?

Argument Deductive argument Inductive Argument Analogy

You use logic to construct a convincing argument in order to persuade someone this is referred to as?

An argument.

What is formal logic?

Formal logic is logic used to examine the form that an argument is presented in. Formal logic looks at the grammar and sentence structure of an argument through a logical approach.

Can a valid argument be weak?

Yes, a valid argument can still be weak if the premises provided are not strong or relevant enough to support the conclusion. Validity refers to the logical structure of an argument, while the strength of an argument refers to the quality and persuasiveness of the premises.

A sentence with the word logic?

I fail to see the logic in your argument.

What is the meaning of the word valid?

valid = based on good reasons or facts that are true: Actually, in logic, a valid argument is one where the premises lead to the conclusion, whether or not the premises (facts it is based on) are true. For example, the argument "All Presidents of the United States have green skin; Lady Gaga is a President of the United States and therefore has green skin" is a valid argument, notwithstanding the facts that US Presidents don't have green skin and Lady Gaga is not a US President.

What is the essence of logic?

The essence of logic is the study of reasoning and inference. It involves identifying and applying correct principles of reasoning to make valid arguments and draw sound conclusions. Logic helps to ensure that statements or propositions follow a consistent and coherent structure, leading to rational and coherent thinking.

An argument that uses logic to show that a conclusion is true?


What effective argument will appeal to which two elements?

Emotion and logic