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If there is an independent variable then that goes on the horizontal axis. Otherwise, you decide which way you want to plot them.

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Q: What variable is being on the horizontal axis what is being plotted on the vertical axis?
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What does the horizontal axis of a line chart represent?

It depends on the information being plotted. It is often the independent variable.

Why time is always taken on horizontal axis?

The horizontal axis is reserved for the independent variable in a function. Time is always an independent variable in time-based functions. However, duration can be dependent. It depends on what's being plotted.

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This is known as a demand curve, with the demand (quantities willing to purchase) plotted on horizontal versus price per unit plotted on vertical axis.

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Lines of latitude are horizontal lines that run parallel to the equator. They measure the distance north or south of the equator in degrees.

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The value for the y-axis represents the vertical position or magnitude of a variable in a graph or coordinate system. It is typically plotted along the vertical or vertical upward direction in relation to the x-axis. The specific value for the y-axis will depend on the specific data or function being represented in the graph.

What is a independent variable?

in a experiment, the factor that is deliberately manipulatedAn independent variable is the variable that changes and the dependant variables are the variables that don't change. So that would mean that the independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated.An independent variable is a variable in an experiment that is changed to test a hypothesis. The dependent variable relies on the change of the independent variable to change itself.

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It depends on what is being plotted. It could be the number of units produced at the given price.

In the 5G position for welding pipe the pipe must?

The pipe must be fixed (not rolled) in the horizontal position. With the pipe horizontal, the weld is vertical. The pipe being fixed requires the welder to weld flat (top), vertical (sides), and overhead (bottom). The pipe must be fixed (not rolled) in the horizontal position. With the pipe horizontal, the weld is vertical. The pipe being fixed requires the welder to weld flat (top), vertical (sides), and overhead (bottom).

Where is the independent variable on a data table?

The independent variable on a data table would be located on the y axis of the data table. The y axis is the bottom of the data table where the names or the objects being tested. The independent variable is dependent on the dependent variable. That's why it is called independent variable.

Do whales and sharks have the same tails?

No. Sharks, being fish, have vertical tails, while whales, being mammals, have horizontal tails.

What are slope lines?

They are lines that are not horizontal nor vertical.

The lines on a synoptic map are called?

Isolines are the general name. There are different names for each variable being plotted, e.g. isotherms plot lines of equal temperature.