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a seven passenger vehicle.

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Q: What vehicle will seat 5 adults and 2 car seats?
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Related questions

Can three toddler car seats be placed on the back seat of 1997 Pontiac transport minivan?

No, normally you only want to place 2 car seats in the rear seat of any vehicle.

Why is a 66 mustang a 2 2?

This was a term that Ford 'borrowed' from Ferrari. It meant that the car was basically a two-seat sports car, but it also had what could be called two back seats. The back seat of a Mustang could comfortably seat a couple of hobbits, but not two normal sized adults. The car had two seats, plus two seats. A 2+2.

Who makes the best car seat for babies?

Consumer Reports provides great reviews and ratings for car seats. They even have recommendations and information for which seats are best for your model and style of vehicle.

How can injuries from motor vehicle accidents be prevented?

Injuries from motor vehicle accidents may be reduced by wearing seat belts and placing children in size-appropriate car seats in the back seat

Why don't taxi's have car seats for children?

because children and adults are not desame. and were adult sit children cannot seat, defending on the condition.

What is a Roosevelt seat in a car?

What was a Roosevelt seats in a car

In New York are child car seats required in rental cars?

Yes, a car seat for a child is required in any moving vehicle. It does not matter if the car is a rental car or if it is your own car.

What are the top recommended brands for a booster seat?

When selecting booster car seats, remember to select the appropriate seat for your vehicle. Britax, Graco and Harmony are highly recommended brands.

What is the approximate cost for a set of heated car seats?

Heated car seat pads and cushions can be purchased at automobile stores for about $50-$75. Original heated car seats from the car dealer will cost much more depending upon the make and model of your vehicle.

Can you bring a car seat?

No, sorry, all my car seats are fixed in the car.

How do you install infant safety seat in mini van?

All infant car seats come with a base that needs to be installed in your vehicle. You should read the specific instructions that came with your car seat but you will run the seatbelt through the open areas on the base as tight as you can. Once the base is installed, you will simply snap the car seat into the base and your baby will be safe and secure in the vehicle.

What car has the least comfortable driver seat?

a hotwheels car they have bad seats