

What veil does oxygen blood come in and out?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Oxygenated blood is carried by the pulmonary vein. This vein transports blood from the lungs to the heart.

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Q: What veil does oxygen blood come in and out?
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Blood. All of the blood in your body needs to come into contact with your lungs to be infuse with oxygen so that this oxygen can help nourish your brain.

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Your heart gives oxygen to blood cells, then those carry oxygen throughout your body, and when they reach your heart again, it refills them with oxygen.

What does oxygen and carbon dioxide do in the body?

moves out oxygen and removing in carbon dixode oxygen is necessary for life.without it no one can imagine of life. we get oxygen from atmosphere into the lungs from where it reaches to the every cell of the body. oxygeneted blood is purify blood, whereas deoxygeneted blood is impure blood. carbondioxide is necessary for plants etc. when we take breath the oxygen come in from the atmosphere to lungs and carbondioxide go out from the lungs into the atmosphere.

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How come human blood is red?

It contains the molecule hemoglobin which gives blood its characteristic color. The hemoglobin contains Iron and is responsible for transporting Oxygen in the blood.

How come people who don't have enough iron in their diet sometime cannot carry a normal amount of oxygen in their blood?

B/c the iron in the blood is what carries the oxygen around the body. With too little iron, not enough oxygen carriers.