

What vertebrae controls arms and hands?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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c7 c8 t1

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Q: What vertebrae controls arms and hands?
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Are the vertebrae of the spine distal to the arms?

The vertebrae are not distal to the arms; they are medial to the arms. The hand, wrist, and fingers are distal to the arms.

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What would be affected if your C7 was damaged?

Damage to the C7 vertebrae could affect sensation and movement in the arms, hands, and fingers, as well as control of the muscles in the shoulder area. It could also potentially impact fine motor skills and grip strength in the hands. Additionally, damage to the C7 vertebrae may cause pain, weakness, or tingling in these areas.

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hands and arms i spose lol ;)

What vertebre controls the arms?

Vertebrae are bones in the spine that contain the spinal cord and allow for spinal nerves to exit. ? Being bones, vertebrae do not control the arms.The spinal nerve roots ?that come out of the vertebrae do however control many aspects of function, including: muscle movement, sensation, blood vessel tone, and your hair standing on end.The spinal levels that control the arms are C5-T1. ?There may be a little T2 in there for sensation, and there may be a little C4 in there for shoulder muscles; but the answer is generally accepted to be C5-T1.

What side of your brain controls your arms?

The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right arm, and the right hemisphere controls the left arm.

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your hands you tard?

Where should burned arms and hands be positioned?

Burned arms and hands should also be raised higher than the person's heart.

What category of bones do vertebrae belong?

vertebrae make up the spine (backbone) of vertebrate animals.

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Your Hands

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