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Q: What vertebrae controls the headache pain?
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Daily and sometimes severe headaches accompanied by neck pain?

If the neck pain is causing the headache, this is called cervicogenic headache. If the headache is causing the neck pain, treating the headache will also treat the neck pain. Pain Management Specialists and Headache Specialists are the doctors best suited to treat these types of headaches.

What does it mean when you have a headache?

Massive is describing the amount of pain they are in, so a massive headache means that they are in alot of pain from a headache and is stronger than their ussual headaches they get.

What causes headache pain?

A person feels headache pain when specialized nerve endings known as nociceptors are stimulated by pressure on or injury to any of the pain-sensitive structures of the head.

What vertebrae controls arms and hands?

c7 c8 t1

Why do you have a headache?

you might be tiredKimmi:Another reason you get a headache is due to a pain somewhere in the brain, since your brain can't feel pain, the nerves pick it up. So, when you have a headache, it's a lot of times due to a pain in the brain.

Is it normal to have a slight pain in your head for only a few seconds without it being any type of headache or migraine?

Headache is a symptom of pain in the head. Migraine is a disease which can include headache. It is possible to have short pain in your head, but that would be a headache - a symptom. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorder and disease, please seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

What are 2 examples of pain killers?

if you have a headache they help to kill pain.

What exactly does the term cephalagia mean?

The term cephalagia means headache. The brain does not have any pain receptors, the pain from a headache is from nine pain sensitive areas around the brain.

How do you spell head hurt?

A pain in the head is a headache. A severe form is a migraine headache.

What is the best for fever and headache?

combiflam is best medicine for fever , headache and body pain.

What body system senses pain and controls movement?

The nervous system senses pain and controls movement.

Which body system controls pain in the body?

The nervous system controls pain in the body.