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Headache is a symptom of pain in the head. Migraine is a disease which can include headache. It is possible to have short pain in your head, but that would be a headache - a symptom. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorder and disease, please seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

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Q: Is it normal to have a slight pain in your head for only a few seconds without it being any type of headache or migraine?
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Is twenty seven years old too young to be having problems with headaches and migraines?

Migraine and headache can be present from infancy. No headache or Migraine is "natural" nor is it "normal". See your physician or headache specialist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders.

How danger is Half Head Pain?

It is Dangerous if you have migraine and if it is just a normal headache than it is not too dangerous

Can sugar cause Headache?

Yes, fluctuations in blood sugar may trigger some types of headache or Migraine. Additionally, sugar alcohols often used as sugar substitutes are frequent triggers for Migraine and other problems. For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and information on Migraine and headache disorders, please seek the help of a board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

Could forgetting about a tampon cause migraines?

Almost anything that can cause a physiological change within the body's normal homeostasis can trigger a Migraine attack. A forgotten tampon could result in infection and even illness which could certainly act as a Migraine trigger. However, a tampon is usually used during menses, which itself can be a potent Migraine trigger. For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management of Migraine and other headache disorders, please seek the help of a board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

I have hit my head and have had a migraine since is this normal?

It is possible that the trauma to your head has caused or triggered your headache. Because this could potentially be a dangerous situation, please seek the help of a physician or headache specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can hair color and gabapentin cause headaches?

Almost anything can trigger some types of headache disorders. There are over 300 different headache disorders, so whether or not this trigger is *normal* depends entirely on what the headache type is. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, seek the help of a qualified and board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

How does a migraine headache affect the ears?

i often get migranes bad and they would last long enough the pain travels into the side of my head and ears too its normal role of migranes you can visit your doctor and get medication from there

What is the medical term for everyday headaches?

No. It is not normal to have a migraine every day. It is important, however, to be sure that you are correct in your self-diagnosis. Migraine is a very specific type of headache. It is possible to have daily migraines. Your doctor can help you determine if you do, indeed, have chronic daily migraine headaches. If you do, there are medications that can decrease the number of attacks you have, and other medications that can be fairly effective at stopping the migraines you continue to have with treatment. Two more common cause of daily headaches are (1) withdrawal and (2) rebound headaches. Withdrawal headaches can occur whenever your body is hungering for any number of drugs or substances. Going too long without your daily dose of caffeine or nicotine can trigger a headache as your body tries to tell you that it is time to dose up. These must be addressed by slowly decreasing your intake of that substance, a process sometimes known as "detoxification" or "detox". Rebound headaches are similar, but happen in response to withdrawal from an anti-headache medicine. These classically occur during withdrawal from narcotics, but are actually more common as a result of withdrawal from ibuprofen, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and other over-the-counter headache medications.

Where in the head is a migraine?

A migraine headache is a neurological disorder and a specific primary headache classification. There are 4 stages to a migraine attack:ProdromeAuraPain/headacheResolution/PostdromeA migraine attack may contain any one or more of these stages.Pain is usually one-sided and throbbing and can range from mild to incapacitating, lasting hours to days. A Migraine lasting over 3 days is called status migrainousus and is considered an emergency.The pain of migraine is only part of an attack however, as migraines actually herald a whole host of changes to the entire body.There are two main types of migraine acknowledged by the International Headache Society, but there are many sub-categories which may be used to help identify the patient's particular symptoms. The two main types are: migraine without aura (used to be called common migraine), and migraine with aura (used to be called classic migraine).Other types of migraine diagnoses a patient may receive are:Retinal migraine (migraine with aura in one eye)Hemiplegic migraine (a type of migraine with aura)Migraine with brainstem aura (used to be called basilar artery migraine)Acephalgic migraine (migraine without pain)Transformed migraine (migraine that had an episodic pattern, now with chronic pattern)Chronic migraine (migraine and headache 15 days or more per month)Vestibular migraine (migraine with vertigo)Abdominal migraineComplicated migraine (migraine with aura and stroke-like symptoms)Migraines are usually triggered by environmental and other factors that change the homeostasis of the body/brain of the patient. Triggers often include:red wineMSG, aspartame, nitrites and other food additivesweathercaffeinemenstruationdehydrationchanges in sleep patternchanges in normal eating patternmedicationsphysical exertionbright lightsstrong smellsloud noise

Is an acupressure headache a normal headache?

The International Headache Society does not recognize a diagnosis of Acupressure Headache or Normal Headache. There are many different types of headache disorders however, and some types may be triggered by acupressure.

Should some one with migraines take green coffee bean extract?

Migraine is a genetic neurologic disease. Migraine attacks can be triggered by things that cause a shift in the normal homeostasis of the patient's body. These triggers vary from one person to another. This may include green coffee bean extract. Additionally, each patient's medical history and the medications they already take which will have contraindications, must be taken into consideration. This requires a conversation with a knowledgeable physician. For best results in diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.

Frequent headache for over a week?

There are many things that can cause a headache for over a week. I'm actually going through it right now. I've been to the doctor 2 but I've just been given paracetamol (500mg) and ibuprofen (200mg) this doesn't work, my advice is that you should try taking them both together 3 times a day every 4 hours, it hasn't worked for me, but I'm going for some tests, keep you updated, hope this helped.:-)