

What view are maps drawn from?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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A plan view. Not an oblique view

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Q: What view are maps drawn from?
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How are satellite images different from other maps?

Maps may be drawn to scale or not to show more or less detail as needed. Satellite images on the other hand are actual photographs of what the ground and landscape are at a particular time. Both have many uses and tools like Google Maps allow you to switch from a map/street view to a satellite view with a click of the mouse.

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Isohytes are lines drawn on maps joining places of equal rainfall.

Is the Arctic Circle drawn on the surface of the earth?

No, just on the maps.

The intersecting lines drawn on maps and globes are?

geographic grids

What is the size of Google Maps databases only drawn maps without satellite images and street view?

From reports in 2006, the Google Earth and Google Maps data servers have 70.5 TB for both its map imagery and index data, and Personalized Search uses 4 TB. The data breakdown has not been published by Google.

What are some things that are drawn to scale?

blue prints and maps :P

What scale are OS maps drawn to?

1:25,000 OR 1:50000

What do maps blueprints and floor plans represent?

a location drawn to scale

Why are latitude and longitude important to maps?

They are imaginary lines drawn on maps that help in navigation and in fixing the position of a ship or aeroplane.

Why are most maps drawn to scale?

A map drawn actual size wouldn't be too convenient. Plus ... can you imagine trying to fold it ! ?

Why were flat maps invented?

Flat maps were drawn that way, because no one knew that the earth was round, until after Christopher Colombus.