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Q: What violent actions did people use for the ending of apartheid?
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Nelson Mandela helped the African people by ending apartheid

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A violent public disorder is when three or more people are engaged in actions that threaten the peace of others. This is considered to be a statutory offence.

How did Nelson Mandela help apartheid end?

He turned to violent acts when the government banned the ANC, instead of giving up the fight against apartheid. Before he was imprisoned he said a speech in court. During his speech he mentioned that...

What do the Afrikaners have to do with the apartheid?

The Afrikaners were the people who had moved to Africa. they were the white people who had started the Apartheid.

What did Nelson Mandela do to overthrow the government?

Nelson Mandela took violent acts against the government. He fought and fought to get rid of all of the apartheid laws and policies. He was then sent to jail for those violent acts. He also founded ANC (African National Congress) youth league to help apartheid. This would make young people stand up against racism and the racist laws. He also wanted the young people to fight against apartheid. When he was in jail, many many people protested to get him out of there. Eventually the government gave in and said if he would stop fighting against apartheid he would be released. He said no to this. More protesting continued and eventually the government took his offer to work on ending apartheid. When he was released, he was released from 27 years in prison.. Also when he was in jail he had 3 kids and by the time he got out, all 3 where dead He initially Believed in nonviolent resistance, but eventually decided that violent protest was necessary to end racial oppression (Apex answer) <---

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What are people's opinion on the Soweto uprising at the time of Steve biko?

Many people supported the Soweto uprising as a necessary protest against the apartheid government's discriminatory education policies. Steve Biko's influence during that time as a prominent anti-apartheid activist helped galvanize support for the movement. However, some individuals were critical of the protests, viewing them as disruptive and violent.

What actions did Mohandas gandhi take?

Mohandas Gandhi took a number of actions toward achieving peace for him and his people. The most notable thing that he did was going on a hunger strike.

What was the Best thing about apartheid?

There is NOTHING good about apartheid. It is discrimination, racist, and people don't have civil rights.

What are some questions for Nelson Mandela?

Some of the questions people ask about Nelson Mandela is his sense of humility and how he forgave and embraced those who have imprisoned him. Questions have also been asked about his family.

Who are the people that began apartheid?

hoe (304)

Who were peoople involved in apartheid?

2 people