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He hopes "that all our woes will serve as sweet discourses in the time to come" In other words, later, when they are happily reunited, they will be able to look back fondly on this time of troubles.

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12y ago

He leaves Juliet more than once in the play. After he leaves her in Act 1 Scene 5 he sneaks around to the Capulets' back garden. The next morning when he leaves Juliet he goes to see Friar Lawrence. After they get married, he leaves her and goes to find his friends. After they spend their night together, he leaves to go to Mantua.

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8y ago

"Methinks I see thee, now thou art so low, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb."

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I dont f'ng know bro

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Q: What vision does juliet have as Romeo leaving?
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