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vitamin k can be produced in the intestines

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Q: Which vitamines are produced in the small intestine?
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Where in the body is lipase produced?

Lipase is produced in the Small Intestine and Pancreas.Lipase is produced in the pancreas.

What takes food to the small intestine from the stomach?

In the small intestine - After being in the stomach, food enters the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. It then enters the jejunum and then the ileum (the final part of the small intestine). In the small intestine, bile (produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder), pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes produced by the inner wall of the small intestine help in the breakdown of food.

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The small intestine. Specifically: The small intestine is divided into 3 parts. The jejunum, the duodenum, and the ilium. Maltase is produced in the duodenum.

Which two places is lipase produced?

The small intestine and the pancreas

What organ produce sucrase?

synthesized in the small intestine by the brush border, and secreted by the tips of the villi epithelium, particularly in the duodenum

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expressed in the stomach, but not in the cells of the small intestine castlelearning. lol

Why is the small intestine longer than your large intestine?

a storege sac calles the______holds the bile that is produced in the liver

What organ produces nuclease enzymes?

At the centre of a cell ---- ---- ----

How maltase produced?

through the lining of there small intestine thats how they re produce ! Xx

Does the small intestine break up molecules?

Enzymes in the small intestine can break larger molecules such as proteins into smaller molecules such as amino acids. These enzymes are either produced in the pancreas and taken to the first part of the small intestine by the pancreatic duct or some enzymes may be produced by the lining of the small intestine called the "brush border" in the first part of the small intestine. Large molecules such as proteins or starch need to be broken down to smaller molecules before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream and beusableto the person's body cells.

What are the functions of the small intestine in birds?

The small intestine is where food is digested and absorbed. The small intestine varies in length and structure depending on the diet of the species. Carnivorous birds tend to have shorter, less complex small intestines. Herbivorous birds have longer, more developed small intestines. Enzymes, produced in the pancreas, break down proteins and fats in the small intestine.