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Extinct volcanoes will never erupt again... I am not sure what stage but this is the best info I can give you.

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3mo ago

Extinct volcanoes are unlikely to erupt ever again. These volcanoes have been dormant for thousands of years and show no signs of seismic or magmatic activity.

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Q: What volcanic stage is unlikely to erupt ever again?
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Describe the three stages in the life cycle of a volcano?

active- or live volcano is one that is erupting or has shown signs that it may erupt in the near future dormant- volcano to awaken in the future and become active extinct- or dead volcano is unlikely to erupt again

How do you rank a volcanic stage from least likely to erupt to most likely to erupt?

Volcanic stages, from least likely to most likely to erupt, are typically ranked as follows: extinct (no chance of eruption), dormant (unlikely but possible), restless (showing signs of activity), and active (currently erupting or likely to erupt). The ranking is based on the volcano's historical behavior, monitoring data, and signs of increasing activity.

What happens in each stage of a volcano?

Active Stage: Volcano erupts, releasing lava, ash, and gases. Dormant Stage: Volcano is not erupting but can become active again. Extinct Stage: Volcano is unlikely to erupt again in the future.

What are the the three stages of volcanic activity?

There is the active stage (which explodes from time to time), the dormant stage (which is expected to erupt but might not), and the extinct stage (which means no more explosions).

Explain the 3 stages of a volcanoes life?

Active, dormant, and extinct.

What is the dormant stage a volcano?

it is the stage wen the volcanoe is sleeping but can still erupt in the future

What is an extinct volcano called?

An extinct volcano is one that scientists believe will not erupt again. That is because the volcano no longer has a magma supply. There are many volcanoes that are considered extinct on the Hawaiian islands. Exactly when a volcano has become extinct can be difficult, if not impossible, for scientists to determine.

When do volcanoes erupt most often?

At their early stage mostly during the youthful age.

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at that stage it is unlikely you can preserve it.

What stage is Mt Pirongia is it active dormant or extinct?

Mount Pirongia is classified as an extinct volcano, meaning that it has not erupted in the past and is not expected to erupt again in the future. Its last activity occurred over 1.6 million years ago.

Describe the three stages of a volcano?

Dormant stage: The volcano is inactive and shows no signs of erupting. Active stage: The volcano is currently erupting or showing signs of erupting, such as releasing ash, gas, and lava. Extinct stage: The volcano is no longer active and is unlikely to erupt again in the future.

How do you make two stage rockets?

First of all you make the first stage. Then you make the first stage again. This will require many stages.