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The OO sound in book is a short OO sound, as in look, good, could, foot, and put.

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1mo ago

The vowel sound in "book" is the 'oo' sound, which is a close back rounded vowel.

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8y ago

Book is a word made up of two consonants: b, k.

And two vowels: o, o.

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Q: What vowel sound do you hear in book?
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What is a vowel sound you hear in dried for spelling?

The vowel sound in "dried" is /aɪ/. It is a diphthong sound formed by a combination of the 'ai' letters, and it is commonly found in words like "dried," "light," and "fly."

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An unstressed vowel is a vowel in the word you don't sound.

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it is a vowel that u can only hear the "R" sound

What vowel can't you hear in abandoned?

You can't hear the 'e'.You'll be surprised to know that there is another vowel in the word that you don't really hear: the first 'a'. Yes, there is a vowel sound, but it is the schwa sound, the sound that most unstressed vowels make. Schwa is heard with many unstressed vowels, whatever the vowel, and they sound virtually identical to each other.

Which short vowel sound do you hear in apple?

The A has a short sound, the E is silent.

Does cake have a short or long vowel sound?

The word cake has a long A vowel sound and a silent E.You can hear the letter "a" when saying the word cake. Therefore, it is a long vowel sound.

Does the pronunciation of Chinook have a long vowel sound or a short vowel sound?

It has an unaccented short i sound. The oo is pronounced as in book, which is the short version of that vowel combination.

Does look have a long or short vowel sound?

It has a short OO vowel sound, as in book, foot, and good.

Is milk a long vowel word?

No. The I has a short vowel sound as in mill and silk. Ask yourself, when you say it or hear it, do you hear the sound, "EYE" or do you hear the sound, "Ih?" Long vowels make their sound - for I, if you hear "EYE" you know it is a long vowel in this word. Long Vowel Words (A,E,I,O,U) cake beep high mow unit Short Vowel Words (a,e,i,o,u) act bet sick odd but

Does cake have a long or short vowel?

The word cake has a long A vowel sound and a silent E.You can hear the letter "a" when saying the word cake. Therefore, it is a long vowel sound.

Does rope have a short vowel sound?

No. It is a long O (and a silent E). You can hear the (oh) sound.

Does the word here have a long vowel sound?

Yes. The first E in "here" has a long E vowel sound, as in hear. The final E is silent.