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it was brought out by World War II, but most people want to think the war just made the depression worse.

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Q: What war brought the US out of the great depression?
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Who brought out the us from of the Great Depression?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and World War II brought us out of the Great Depression.

What brought the us economy out of the great depression what brought the u.s. economy out of the great depression?

Mainly, it was World War II.

How did World War 2 benefit us economy?

It pulled us out of the Great Depression. With nearly every American either fighting in the war or working in factories for the war effort, the war brought us out of the Depression.

Did the great deprssion start after the cold war?

The great depression was started by the stockmarket crash of 1929 in the US, resulting in the 1930's depression. The cold war began as a result of nuclear weapons, the first of which was detonated in combat in August 1945. Consequently, the cold war began in 1945. WWII brought the US OUT OF THE DEPRESSION.

What was the effects of world war 2 on the US?

It brought more jobs because of the production of war supplies and helped bring America out of the great depression.

How did the war effect the Americas economic system?

World War II is actually what completely brought the United States out of the Great Depression. In the beginning of the war, similar to what we did in WWI, we sold weapons, ammunition, and other war materials to the Allies in Europe. This greatly helped out economy and brought us out of the Depression.

Why did technology get the us out of the Great Depression?

Technology did not get the US out of the Great Depression. World War II is what got the United States out of the Great Depression because of all the jobs that were created with prepping for the war.

Was Franklin D Rooselevt successful during the Great Depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt had created the New Deal programs to help the United States come out of there Great Depression, they helped somewhat, but it was really World War Two that brought us out of the Great Depression.

Did the Great Depression lead to cold war?

The great depression of the 1930's led to WW2; WW2 got the US out of the depression.

Did the us economy collapse in World War 2?

No, The war actually brought the United States out of the Great Depression. Increased war production and mobilization of the entire country saw our industrial output skyrocket.

What event pulled the US out of the great depression?

War economy- World War II

WHY was the World War 2 a good thing for US?

it pulled the US out of the great depression