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Potsdam Conference

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Q: What war conference demanded surrender of japan?
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Which important war conference demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan?


What was the name of the peace conference World War 2 terms were hammered out?

There was NO peace conference hammered out. Germany & Japan signed instruments of Unconditional Surrender in 1945.

How did the US treat Japan after the World War 2?

The United States demanded the Japan pay for war damages.

Significance of potsdam conference?

The Potsdam Conference was between Russia, UK AND USA. USA tried to convince Russia to join the war between the Japanese, but US has come up with a solution to defeat Japan. They used the Atomic Bomb to destroy one city and demanded that Japan surrender or they would bomb the rest of the country. So the conference was for the Allies to agree with the Atomic bomb to go ahead. Hope thts ritee kents cause im not 100% sure:)

Why was it bad for them to drp the atomic bomb on japan in 1945?

You will need to decide if it was bad, (it killed a lot of people) or something that had to be done. Japan attacked the US without warning, and had been at war with the US for about 3 years and 9 months. The US had demanded the surrender of Japan, and Japan had refused. After two atomic weapons were dropped, Japan decided to surrender.

How did World War 2 end for japan?

The Japanese Instrument of Surrender was the written agreement that enabled the Surrender of Japan, ending World War II.

Why did we nuke the Japanese?

The most direct answer- because we could. The US had been at war with Japan for 4 years, after Japan attacked the US. For a while, the US was in danger of losing the war. The US had demanded Japan surrender, and they had refused. After an atomic weapon was used on the city of Hiroshima, we again demanded they surrender. When refused, a second atomic weapon was used on Nagasaki. At that point, they surrendered. If the Japanese had not surrendered, and the Allies had invaded Japan with conventional forces, estimates were that it would result in the deaths of 1 million Allied soldiers- and much larger numbers of Japanese military and civilians.

How did war war 2 end?

In the surrender of Italy, germany, and japan

What was the morality of bombing Japan?

The United States was attacked by Japan without warning in December 1941, and there was a declared state of war between the two nations. Japan and the US had both used aerial bombardment of cities in order to destroy the means of production of military supplies and troops. The US had demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan, and Japan had refused. In August 1945, after being at war for about 3 yrs and 8 months, the US dropped the first two atomic bombs on Japan, and Japan decided to surrender.

What happened at the peace conference at the end of World War 2?

There were no peace conferences. Germany and Japan signed instruments of unconditional surrender, and thereafter fell under the control of the victorious powers.

Why doesn't japan want to surrender?

Japan Did surrender to the USA, and President Harry Truman, after two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, (and after Russia declared war on Japan). Japan did not want to surrender, because their samurai code said it was better to die instead of to surrender. It was after they were bombed with nuclear weapons (and after Russia attacked the Japanese forces in Manchuria), that Japan finally decided to surrender.

What are the chances for Japan to surrender in World War before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

There would have been NO surrender.