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Q: What wars are represented at the tomb of the unknown soldiers?
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What are the two wars represented in the tomb of unknown soldiers?

The Civil war and world war 2

How many wars are represented at the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier?

The unknown soldier buried under the actual Tomb is from WWI. There are crypts in front of the Tomb for soldiers from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. The unknown soldier from Vietnam was removed and identified as Michael J Blassie. He is now buried in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St Louis, MO.

How many unknowns are in the Tomb of the Unknown and which wars were they from?

The Tomb of the Unknown holds three soldiers, one each from WWI, WWII and Korea. The unknown soldier from Vietnam was later identified through DNA and was removed

What four wars did the 4 bodies buried in the tomb of the unknown soldiers in Arlington national cemetery?

WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet nam

What war did the unknown soldier fight in?

If your talking about the tomb of the unknown solider, it is unidentified remains of soldiers from many wars. The US. Military gives the utmost respect for the men and women who have been killed and whose remains have not been recovered or identifiable.

Who does the tomb of the unknown soldier represent and why do we honor them?

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier literally recognizes and honors unidentified veterans. In war (especially many years ago), sometimes the combatants cannot be identified. These people are commemorated at national monuments that are often known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There are several of these tombs throughout the world. In the United States there are three: • The Tomb of Unknowns in Arlington, Virginia • The Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • The Tomb of the Unknown Confederate Soldier in Biloxi, Mississippi

What is the name of The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

In the US, it's in Arlington Cemetery, just across the river from Washington, DC. Never officially named, it is referred to as the Tomb of the Unknowns. Canada has theirs in Ottawa, England's is in London, and France's is in Paris.

What is the unknown soldier memorial?

I believe it is made up of the body parts of unidentified soldiers from different wars.

Who is in the tomb of the unkown soldier?

There are many Tomb's of the Unknown. Obviously, the whole point is that the person buried in said Tomb was never able to be identified, which is why they are buried as a tribute to all who were unable to be identified. With new genetic matching techniques, it is today sometimes possible to tell whose remains are there, and it wasn't when they were buried.

What is the name of the unknown soldier?

First Lieutenant Michael Joseph Blassie. DNA testing identified this Vietnam Era soldier who was in the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. Other unknowns from other conflicts and wars remain unidentified.

Who was the most honored soldier buried?

The Unknown Soldier. Many nations have a Tomb to The Unknown Soldier. Because the Unknown can never be identified, that soldier becomes the most honored soldier buried, representing all the unknown dead of any and all wars. Characteristic of Tombs to the Unknown is an around-the-clock Honor Guard. One of the most moving things to watch is the changing of the Guard at a Tomb to the Unknown. The guard is always mounted in any weather. There was an incident of a lightning strike close to The Tomb to the Unknown in Arlington, Virginia. The guard never turned a hair as he stood there, soaked through.Click on the related link below for a good Wikipedia article on Tombs of the Unknown.

Name the 4 wars fought by an unknown soldier?

Unknown soldiers are not limited to just 4 wars. In every war there are going to be at least some participants whose identity is never determined. Wars are by their nature very chaotic. But as far as the United States is concerned, the most significant wars were the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW I, and WW II. Perhaps those are the ones you are thinking of.