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One major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and Radical Republicans is that Lincoln wanted to restore the United States by uniting North and South after the Civil War. Radical Republicans wanted to keep the South and North separate.

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Q: What was A major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans?
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What plan did the Radical republicans did Abraham Lincoln support?

one that provided for the basic war refugees

What plan of the radical republicans did president abraham lincoln support?

one that provided for the basic war refugees

How did the assassination of Abraham Lincoln affect events of the reconstruction period?

the attempts of the radical Republicans to control Reconstruction policy were successful

How did the assassination of Abraham Lincoln affected events of the Reconstruction Period?

the attempts of the radical Republicans to control Reconstruction policy were successful

Which plan of the radical did president Abraham Lincoln support?

The one that provided for basic needs of the war refugees.

Lincoln Johnson and Radical Republicans all agreed on what point?

About the only thing that Lincoln, Johnson, and the Radical Republicans all agreed on was that the Civil War end expediently and the Union be preserved.

How did Lincoln's plan for reconstruction differ from the wade Davis bill?

President Abraham Lincoln's plan did not guarantee African American equality. The Wade-Davis Bill passed by the Radical Republicans demanded guarantees of African American equality. Lincoln killed this bill with a "pocket veto."

What group opposed Lincoln's 10 percent plan?

Radical Republicans

Why did the Republican Congress disagree with President Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plan?

A major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans was that Lincoln wanted to forgive and reintegrate the South back into the Union as painlessly and smoothly as possible while restricting the rights of freed slaves, whereas the Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South as harshly as possible and grant full citizenship rights to freed slaves. After Lincoln's assassination, the Radical Republicans went on to pass a string of laws that would grant voting rights to freedmen, restrict any whites associated with the Confederacy from holding public office, create the South's first public school system, and provide charitable institutions like hospitals and asylums.

Abraham Lincoln is viewed by historians as?

a radical republican

Who was president during the scandals of radical reconstruction?

Abraham Lincoln then Andrew Johnson

What part of the radical republicans' reconstruction plan was supported by president Abraham Lincoln?

Lincoln supported the creation of a government agency to assist war refugees. NOVANET