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Q: What was America going through during the 1940s?
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How did women get ideas for cooking and stretching food suppies during the 1940s?

by going to social church potlucks

Why was the period after World War 2 the best years of America?

During that time America Was going Through the depression and WWII hit Boosting the economy and making new rivals

What was dating called in the 1940s?

Going out, going steady and dating

How many slaves died going to America?

About 3,000,000 slaves died during the trip to America?

What important issues were going on in the 1940s?

World War 2

What was going on in the 1940s that led to the development of new technologies?

In the 1940s, the radio was a major form of mass communication. Most telephone calls were placed through operators instead of calling a person's house directly.

Is there school on Independence Day?

Nope, It is a National Holiday. Going to school on Independence Day Stopped in the 1940s. Most Saint Lucie Schools are out for Fridays while during Independence Day.

What country has 2 bars going through their dollar sign?

Unites States of America

Through what strait would you pass to avoid going around Cape Horn?

Cape Horn is at the bottom tip of South America. So you could go through the Strait of Magellan between South America and Tierra del Fuego This is an extremely dangerous waterway for ships. To avoid going around South America, ships can navigate through the Panama Canal in Central America.

How much are coca cola crates going for I think it's from the 1940s?

about 400 i guess

What fad occupations were in the 1940s?

All wearing the same stuff all the time Going to war

What countries in south America have the tropic of cancer going through them?

South America:Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil