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The Greeks did not give mythological deities eye colors, as being immortal they could change such an appearance.

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Q: What was Apollo the Greek god's eye color?
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Greek gods and goddesses could change their appearances, including eye color.

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Greek gods and goddesses could change their features and bodies at will, including eye color.

What color are apollo's eyes?

His eye color was stormy blue, and his hair was dark gold.

What is olympian god apollo's eye color?

maybe it was goldish yellow the color of the sun.

What color eyes did the greek goddess hecate have?

Greek myth does not give Hecate a eye color.

What does the sun symbolize in Greek?

It means the eye of heaven. Nyx and Herema where the first ever sun and moon gods but then later got replaced by Helios (sun) and Selene (moon). Apollo (god the sun, music, healing, and prophecy) and Artemis (goddess of the moon, animals, and huntress of the gods) soon took the place of Helios and Selene. To find out more about the greek gods and goddesses check out the related link.

What is sarpedon eye color?

It isn't told in Greek myth.

What eye color did the Greek God Hermes have?

Whatever he chose to make it.

What was Hermes the Greek God's eye color?

Most likely green but any color he wanted...And that color was probably green.

What is the color of the eyes of the greek god Poseidon?

Poseidon can change his eye color as well as shape shift.

Greek god Zeus?

Well if you want to know who Zeus is then he's the Greek god if the sky, ruler of all gods, and he's known for his "wandering eye".

How tall was Jupiter the Roman God?

The Gods were were never given appearances as minute as the height, weight, eye color, etc.