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More massive objects fall faster than less massive objects.

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Q: What was Aristotle's belief regarding falling objects with different masses?
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How is gravity different for objects that freely fall down and those thrown upwards?

The gravity acting on a rising object and that on a falling object are the same when these objects are at the same height. What is different is that a rising object is decelerating by the force of gravity and the falling object is accelerating.

How does gravity affect the veloctiy of falling objects?

The force of gravity will accelerate the falling objects towards itself.

Do falling objects have air resistance?

Yes falling objects do have air resistance. They have even more if they have a larger surface area.

The speed when falling objects no longer accelerates due to air resistance is?

The speed when falling objects no longer accelerates due to air resistance is the maximum falling velocity.

What causes objects to accelerate?

Gravity causes falling objects to accelerate.

How does gravity affect objects falling to the ground?

gravity is what makes objects fall

What experiment of Galileo's involved cannonballs?

Galileo's experiment to show that mass had little effect on the speed of falling objects involved two cannonballs of different sizes being dropped from a certain height. This showed that, in a vacuum at least, falling objects fall at the same speed no matter their mass.

Why don't all objects fall to the earth at the same velocity even though the acceleration?

The acceleration is the same for all objects, as long as air resistance is insignificant. After a while, different objects will have different amount of air resistance. Also, even without air resistance, the speed depends not only on the acceleration, but also on how how long the objects are falling.

Acceleration of a falling coin on tower?

The acceleration of falling objects in Earth is about 9.8 m/s2.

What are protective measure to take from falling objects?

Run somewhere else than where the object is falling.

Do some objects fall through the air at different rate than the others?

of course ! Yes, due to the effects of air resistance. All falling objects experience the same acceleration from gravity, however.