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The most recent information available was for 2006 when 576 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent was emitted. More than half of that was from electicity generation.

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Q: What was Australia's greenhouse gas emissions last year?
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Which countries produce the most greenhouse gas emissions?

In the year 2000, North America had the highest GHG emissions per capita at 19.9 tonnes per capita!

Do vehicle emissions affect the greenhouse effect?

Our cars add to the greenhouse effect because our cars let off dangerous gases including carbon dioxide, smog, carbon particulates and nitric acidsA:Assuming that anthropogenic greenhouse gas sources are major players in the greenhouse effect, cars would contribute to the greenhouse effect by their emissions of carbon dioxide. Cars can also contribute to greenhouse gases by releasing unburned gasoline components which can, through a series of reactions that require sunlight to get them to work, create ozone in the lower atmosphere. Ozone is also known to be a greenhouse gas.

What does it mean to cap greenhouse-gas emissions?

Capping greenhouse gas emissions involves setting a limit on the total amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted within a specific time frame, often aiming to reduce overall emissions over time. This can be done through government policies like emission targets or trading systems, which incentivize industries to reduce their emissions or invest in cleaner technologies.

What might cause average global surface temperature to rise and fall from year to year?

because global warming and greenhouse gasses like co2 carbon dioxide.

Which country has highest carbon emissions?

Kiribati, a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean, has the smallest carbon footprint. It is particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise from global warming, and its President signed the Bandos Island declaration on 10 November 2009. This was a promise by Kiribati and nine other countries to show moral leadership and start greening their economies by voluntarily committing to carbon neutrality.

Related questions

Which countries produce the most greenhouse gas emissions?

In the year 2000, North America had the highest GHG emissions per capita at 19.9 tonnes per capita!

Is global warming being reduced?

No, it continues to increase. Humans continue pumping up the heat trapping CO2 greenhouse gas, though US emissions declined 3% last year from the year before. Germany was the only other industrial nation which had reduced emissions. Earth apparently can adjust to emissions approximately 1% of what we currently emit, otherwise the CO2 level continues to climb. If we immediately stopped all emissions right now, we would still expect the temperature to climb about 2 degrees C by the end of the century. Without curbing emissions the expected rise will be between 4 and 7 degrees C.

How much greenhouse gases does a television emit in a year?

The amount of greenhouse gases emitted by a television in a year would depend on factors such as its energy efficiency, usage patterns, and the source of electricity used to power it. Overall, televisions are not major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions compared to other household appliances.

How does carbon trading work?

Carbon trading is a market-based approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Companies are allotted a certain amount of carbon credits they can use, trade or sell. If a company emits fewer greenhouse gases than its allowance, it can sell its extra credits to another company that has exceeded its limit. This system creates a financial incentive for companies to reduce their emissions.

Why are winter warmer every year?

Human reason, the greenhouse gas that is CO2-based (methane, HCFCs, etc.) have more and more emissions. and trees were severely damaged, resulting in reducing the absorption of CO2. Therefore, the carbon dioxide is increasing, which forms the greenhouse effect, global climate become warming. so winter are warmer every year.

Approximately which percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions come from our individual use in the home?

The average Household emits 14 tonnes of green house gas a year

What are the greenhouse gas emission figures?

Global greenhouse gas emissions are estimated at around 51 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year. The largest contributors are carbon dioxide (76%), methane (16%), and nitrous oxide (6%). These emissions come from various human activities such as transportation, energy production, agriculture, and deforestation.

What is a sentence using the word greenhouse?

The greenhouse allowed them to have fresh vegetables all year long. They had to use a greenhouse to get the flowers to bloom. The greenhouse gases were warming the Earth.

Do vehicle emissions affect the greenhouse effect?

Our cars add to the greenhouse effect because our cars let off dangerous gases including carbon dioxide, smog, carbon particulates and nitric acidsA:Assuming that anthropogenic greenhouse gas sources are major players in the greenhouse effect, cars would contribute to the greenhouse effect by their emissions of carbon dioxide. Cars can also contribute to greenhouse gases by releasing unburned gasoline components which can, through a series of reactions that require sunlight to get them to work, create ozone in the lower atmosphere. Ozone is also known to be a greenhouse gas.

How much coal does China burn each year?

China burns approximately 4 billion metric tons of coal each year, accounting for about half of the worldโ€™s total coal consumption. This heavy reliance on coal has significant implications for air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and global climate change.

How old does your automobile have to be before you have to take it to emissions?

It depends on the state, but in Arizona, you have to take it in for emissions when you register for the fifth year.

What was the level of emissions in 2000?

Global carbon dioxide emissions in 2000 were approximately 24 billion metric tons.