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Q: What was Carnegie attitude about the accumulation of wealth and power in the hands of the rich?
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Does Carnegie Gospel of Wealth promote or inhibit democratic opportunity?

The Gospel of Wealth, written by Andrew Carnegie, promotes the idea that wealthy individuals have a responsibility to use their resources for the greater good of society. While this can be seen as promoting democratic opportunity through philanthropy and social contributions, it also raises questions about the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few individuals, which can potentially inhibit democratic principles of equality and fairness.

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Why did Muhammad preach about wealth?

Earning wealth through lawful means and spending it on lawful means is what Islam lays stress on. It is, however, preferable that one should help the needy and spend one's earnings for charitable purposes. The first who deserve charity are one's near and dear ones, then neighbours, then orphans, then the needy and so on. Earning wealth by deception, fraud, usury, oppression, threat etc is unlawful and HARAAM in Islam. Islam is against the accumulation of wealth in a few hands.

How is wealth created?

Wealth is created by funneling the resources that should belong to everyone, such as money and property, into the hands of an

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What is the 'Gospel of Wealth'?

It was an essay written by Andrew Carnegie in 1889 that described a responsibility of philanthropy by the upper class and self-made rich. He stressed the danger of letting large sums of money get into the wrong hands as it is passed down and that the entrepreneur must put his money to good use.

Who is the character has a bad attitude on the story of the hands of the blacks?

The character with a bad attitude in "The Hands of the Blacks" is the protagonist Morris. He is arrogant, rude, and disrespectful towards others, especially towards the black workers on the farm. His negative attitude contributes to the tension and conflict in the story.

What is a gentleman 1607?

A gentleman was a person of wealth who was not used to working with his hands.

In body language what does sitting on your hands mean?

Sitting on your hands can be a sign of nervousness, self-control, or discomfort. It may indicate that someone is holding back their emotions or trying to hide something, as it can prevent fidgeting or other revealing gestures.

Accordimg to historians substantial wealth became concentrated in the hands of fewer people during the late 1800s Which of the following is poften givin as a cause for this concentration of wealth?

Growth of big business is given as a cause for the concentration of wealth in the 1800s.

What are people of wealth and power called?

People of wealth and power are often referred to as the elite or the affluent. They may also be described as the upper class or the ruling class in society.