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Darwin's major problem was resolving the mechanism of evolution, how new species arise from existing ones. He struggled to explain how traits could be passed on and eventually lead to the formation of new species without a clear understanding of genetics. His solution, natural selection, was groundbreaking in explaining how species evolve over time.

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Q: What was Darwin's major problem?
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What was Darwins favourite subject?

Darwin's favourite subject was natural history, particularly the study of plants and animals in their natural environments. His observations and research in this field greatly influenced his theory of evolution by natural selection.

In A Modest Proposal who does the Swift the satirist most likely consider to be a big part of the problem?

Jonathan Swift, the satirist, targets the British government and wealthy landowners as being a big part of the problem in Ireland. He criticizes their oppressive policies and exploitation of the Irish people as major contributors to the country's economic and social issues.

What major social problem warrants sociological research?

One major social problem that warrants sociological research is income inequality. Sociologists can study the causes and consequences of income inequality, as well as how it impacts various aspects of society such as health, education, and social mobility. Understanding these dynamics can help inform policies and interventions aimed at reducing inequality and promoting social justice.

What is difference between social problem ann social evil?

Those act which is not supported by the society but practice frequently by some persons of the society is known as social problem . Whereas those act which is supported by the society and practiced as culture , tradition but which indirectly hampers the society is called social evil .

What are major problem with social stratification?

Major problems with social stratification include inequality, lack of social mobility, and perpetuation of power and privilege for certain groups while marginalizing others. This can lead to social tensions, discrimination, and limited opportunities for those in lower social classes. It can also deepen divisions within society and hinder overall societal progress and well-being.

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What was the name of Darwins famous book published in 1859?

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What was Darwins's first job?

He was an apprentice doctor.

Who is Darwins?

The "Darwin fish" is a symbol, not a person.