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Q: What was Dmitri Mendeleev's importance in understanding the atom?
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Who constructed the periodic table of elements?

Dmitri Mendeleev constructed the periodic table of elements in 1869 based on atomic mass( which is how much an atom weighs). this however was changed many many years later resulting in our current design of the periodic table which is based on atomic number instead.( the number of protons in an atom.)

How did Thompson help our understanding of the atom?

J.J. Thomson's discovery of the electron in the late 19th century helped revolutionize our understanding of the atom. His experiments with cathode rays led to the development of the plum pudding model of the atom, which proposed that atoms contain negatively charged electrons embedded in a positively charged sphere. This model eventually paved the way for the modern understanding of atomic structure.

How did Thomson help the understanding of atom?

He discovered that the atom contained smaller particles called electrons.

How did Thomson help our understanding of the atom?

He discovered that the atom contained smaller particles called electrons.

Why were Niels Bohr's ideas important to the understanding of the structure of the atom?

What was proven wrong about the structure of Niels Bohr atom

What are importance of alkali?

The importance of alkali is to build up the molecule to the center of its atom and to produce another atomic molecules

How does an atom simplify your understanding of atomic structure?

an atom is the smallest part of any substance a substance has to be an atomic structure because every substance has at least one atom.

How has john daltons theories change our understanding of the atom?

ask jimmy lyons

Importance of nucleus?

The nucleus provides that bulk of the mass of an atom. The nucleus is the location of the positively charged protons and the neutrons that make up an atom.

Was the quantum mechanical model of the atom proposed by Niels Bohr?

No. Before the Bohr model ,the most accepted model was the Rutherford model of the atom. Before that there was the plum-pudding model.

What fundamental change in our understanding of the atom was brought about the work of Marie curie?

Transmutation of elements -- huh -- the atom was thought to be the unbreakable atom of Greek legend, but Dr. M. Curie's work showed otherwise.

What fundamental change in our understanding of the atom was brought about by the work of Marie Curie?

Marie Curie's work on radioactivity fundamentally changed our understanding of the atom by demonstrating that atoms are not indivisible and can undergo spontaneous transformation. She showed that atoms of one element can transmute into atoms of another through radioactive decay, challenging the idea of atoms as immutable building blocks of matter. This contributed to the development of modern nuclear physics and our understanding of the structure of the atom.