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It is true that Shipman benefited greatly from the deaths of his victims but his crimes were not just about financial gain. For most serial killers the need for power and control is the true basis of their obsessions. Shipman's crimes were not of a sexual nature but there is no doubt he enjoyed killing and empowered by them, at least for a brief time.

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Dr. Harold Shipman, a British doctor, was motivated by a combination of seeking power, control, and possibly financial gain. He ultimately committed multiple murders of his patients under the guise of providing medical care, which points to his psychopathic tendencies.

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Q: What was Dr Harold Shipman motivation?
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What was Harold Shipman's psychological state?

Harold Shipman, also known as Dr. Death, was a British doctor convicted of killing multiple patients. His psychological state was characterized by a desire for power, control, and a lack of empathy toward his victims. He displayed psychopathic tendencies and a sense of grandiosity.

Did Harold Shipman have a mental disorder?

Harold Shipman, a British doctor and serial killer, was found to have narcissistic traits but there was no evidence of a diagnosable mental disorder. He was convicted of killing 15 patients but suspected of many more, demonstrating a pattern of deceit and manipulation rather than mental illness.

What are the two types of motivation theories?

The two types of motivation theories are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within oneself, driven by personal enjoyment or satisfaction. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, arises from external factors like rewards or consequences.

What is the situational motivation scale?

The Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) is a self-report instrument used in psychology to assess an individual's motivation in a specific situation. It measures different types of motivation, such as intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation, to understand why individuals engage in certain activities. Researchers and practitioners often use the SIMS to study and evaluate motivation in various contexts.

How motivation and emotion are related?

Motivation and emotion are closely related in that emotions can drive motivation. For example, feeling happy and excited about a goal can increase motivation to achieve it. Emotions can also influence the intensity and persistence of motivation, as strong negative emotions like fear or anger can hinder motivation, while positive emotions can enhance it.

Related questions

When was Dr Harold Shipman born?

Dr. Harold Shipman was born on 14 January 1946 in Nottingham, England.

How old was Dr Harold Shipman when he was caught?

Dr. Harold Shipman was 53 years old when he was arrested in 1998 for the murder of 15 of his patients.

How long was Dr Harold Shipman trial?

The trial of Harold Shipman was 10 weeks long.

How old was Dr Harold Shipman when he died?

Dr. Harold Shipman died on 13 Jan., 2004, one day before his 58th birthday.

Did Harold Shipman kill for pleasure?

It seemed initially that Shipman's motivation was financial gain. But like most serial killers Shipman enjoyed murdering his patients.

What became of Dr Shipman's wife?

The widow of Dr. Harold Fred Shipman lives as a recluse in Walshford, West Yorkshire.

When did Dr Harold shipman become a doctor?

Shipman graduated in 1970 from Leeds Medical School.

Did Harold Shipman kill just out of greed?

To all appearances it seems that yes, his motivation was greed. But according to several books by different authors, he seemed to like the power that he had over his victims and liked playing God instead of Dr. Shipman.

How did Dr Harold Shipman die?

Harold Shipman died by suicide - he hung himself in his cell at Wakefield Prison at 6:20 AM on 13 Jan., 2004.

What is the birth name of Harold Shipman?

Harold Shipman's birth name is Harold Frederick Shipman.

Was Dr. Harold Shipman a Jew?

There is no publicly available information to suggest that Dr. Harold Shipman was Jewish. Shipman was a British doctor who was convicted of being a prolific serial killer, known as the "Doctor Death," for murdering his patients.

Did Dr Harold Shipman collect any trophies?

Dr. Shipman certainly had no problem with taking "trophies" from his victims. Jewelry, heirlooms, etc. anything of worth Shipman would take. In fact Shipman took one victim's car.