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From a wealthy family, attending the best schools, in London England in the 1600s, I would say by most measures about as good as it could get.

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Q: What was henry hudson early life like?
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What was the life of Henry Hudson like?

Henry Hudson's life was all about exploring thee world and discovering new things

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What was Henry Hudson's life like?

One of privilege, until he lost his ship.

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the cost of explorations was like things he had to give up on going on this exploration such as he had to give up his life for the long journey

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Henry exploresd the Hudson river that was name afther him to reperesent Albany

What was Henry Hudson like?

London England.

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London England.

What did Henry Hudson look like?

they looked like they were made out of wood

What did Henry Hudson bring back from his voyages?

Henry hudson brought back lots of thing like, FUR, SPICES, thats all i know

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