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Q: What was Hephaestus' sacred color?
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Why is the Temple of Hephaestus sacred?

All temples are sacred - the correspond to our churches.

What is the color of Hephaestus?

Hephaestus' color is scarlet (redish orange), the color of the fire he uses.

What color eyes did Hephaestus have?

blue eyes

What is Hephaestus' favorite color?

blue and brown

Who stole the sacred fire from Zeus?

Prometheus stole the flame of Hephaestus and Athena from Olympus. Zeus took action on their behalf.

What animal represented by Hephaestus?

The sacred animal of the god of forges and fire (Hephatus) in greek mythology is known as donkey, but really, no one knows.

What is the god Hephietus's favroite color?

There is no information in mythology or literature suggesting that Hephaestus has a favorite color.

What was the Greek god Hephaestus' sacred city?

There wasn't a specific city that was favored by Hephaestus over others. Because of the nature of the deity, his gifts were really meant for all mankind, but he was viewed as being inferior, in many ways, to the other gods. Since there were smiths in most cities, there were temples or shrines to Hephaestus in most cities as well.

What color is Hephaestus' hair?

Most often it is dark, how dark depends on the artistic or writers rendering.

Do Muslims have a sacred colour?

No one specific color is ''sacred'', however the color most often associated with Muslims is green, because the Ottomans, who used it in their flag, were primarily Muslim.

Which animal has golden color milk?

The sacred golden cow

What were Hephaestus' sacred symbols?

it means hes a hard working craftsman. he created armor, jewels, ect.. for the titans and other gods, though he was lame they accepted him for that.