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Q: What was James franciscus cause off death?
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King James 1 had his head cut off

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He cut off his arm and leg and bled to death.

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He cut off his arm and leg and bled to death.

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Beowulf is the cause of Grendel's death. Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm and Grendel runs away but shortly after dies of the injury.

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No because the body cant fight off the disease it can only be treated, and if not treated it could cause death.

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Jesse James is thought to have planned out his death with Bob Ford but the truth is that James suspiciously took his jacket and gun belt off which to many and to me means that he wanted to be murdered because he gave Ford a perfect shot of the back of his head when he turned around to dust a picture up high on a wall.

How does firecracker injuries cause death?

Firecrackers can cause death by: - they can release dangerous gases which can kill you - they can blow your head off - they are hot, and burn you skin so bad, that it worse than a third degree burn - they can explode off timing and blow off a body part, and you will die of bleeding before the ambublance comes But.... firecrackers are still fun... you have to watch out when using them... (adult supervision or just use fuse, so you can set it off from far away.....

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A ventilator is turned off after death not a defibrillator.

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Your skin starts to peel off and all your hair falls off. It's a real painful death. It can also cause birth defects.

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the tail of the stingray is the deadliest. It has a sharp barb which can break off in a wound once stung. it is then that venom is emitted into the wound which can cause death.

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They lived the same way they did after his death: they happily lived off the resources of the island, unaffected by European influences.