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ithink that micheal faraday his achevements are probable light bulb because if he didn't have light in the dark who know where everything is. one of his other invention are the telephone it's pretty cool how u can connect with ur family on a telephone when you are in New Zealand and the family is in london pretty cool,right. i aslo think one of his developement are when he invents somethin like a preprim.

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Q: What was Michael Faradays achievements in electrical researh and development?
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The Farad (named after Faraday), is the SI derived unit for capacitance.

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Michael Faraday(1791-1867)----Electronics Claude Shannon(1916-2001)---Information theory

When was Michael faradays born?

Michael Faraday was born on September 22, 1791.

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Basically all the motors run by "Electromagnetic induction" principle which was set by Michael Faraday.This principle also known as "Faradays law of electromagnetic induction".

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Who discovered the motor principle?

Basically all the motors run by "Electromagnetic induction" principle which was set by Michael Faraday.This principle also known as "Faradays law of electromagnetic induction".